Friday, February 19, 2016

Traffic Lights

The first electric traffic light system was installed at the intersection of 105th Street and Euclid Avenue in 1914.  Which city?  Here it comes – yep, it is Cleveland, Ohio.  You know, where the Browns play.  You may have heard me speak about Cleveland before.  Some people refer to traffic lights as “Stop Lights” …talk about negativity and a glass half-full mentality.  Traffic lights are not just illuminated in red nor are they always green or yellow. Thank you, Captain Obvious.  Traffic lights are essential to control conflicting flows of traffic.  That is their real purpose although some would argue that traffic lights are really a conspiracy by governmental authorities to increase revenue or by local retailers who want the lights to stay red longer so that people will notice their businesses and stop in for a purchase.  Just for giggles, let’s review what the colors of traffic lights mean to drivers.  Green = it is safe to proceed in the direction indicated.  Yellow = the most confusing light…should I proceed with caution?...should I just “gun it” because green and yellow are in the spectrum?...or should I proceed if I am already in the intersection?  Well, that depends on who is writing the tickets that day.  Red = means to stop in any continent.  Not doing so will cause accidents, bodily damage, or an appearance in traffic court.

What do traffic lights look like in a classroom?  First of all, this ties directly to using informative and formative assessment data to inform your instruction.  Yes, it does read, “Using” the data.  At the end of class, you provide some type of exit slip or confidence check and the vast majority of the kids are only not in the ballpark, they are playing another sport.  So, this is indicative of a red light = STOP!  You need to back the truck up.  Reteach until the light changes.  The yellow light indicates that you should proceed with caution = continue expounding on the concept being taught, use guided instruction before moving to independent work, and review previously learned material in an infusion manner.  The green light indicates that all of your kids are ready to move on in the direction (long-term goals) that you are trying to take them.  The signals need to be the assessments; whether they are informal or formal, as to when to drive forward.  Those not utilizing this data will be creating hazardous road conditions.

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