Thursday, January 16, 2014

Do Our Checkbooks Have Sufficient Funds?

Probably the most recognizable speech from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the “I Have a Dream” speech from August of 1963.  He closes with, “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:  we hold these truths to be self-evident:  that all men are created equal.”  That is the part of the speech that is most often quoted across our country.  I want to look at another part of that speech that I believe is applicable to what we do.  Shortly after beginning his speech, Dr. King stated that he had come to Washington, D.C. to “cash a check.”  He goes on to say that our Founding Fathers in writing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were essentially giving us a promissory note to which every American was an heir.  That note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  In that speech, he never cited as to where this note could be cashed in.  Anti-slavery?  Equal access to public institutions?  In the voting booth? At the drinking fountain? At the schoolhouse?  He doesn’t state where geographically this is to occur; these checks can be cashed in throughout the country.  He does say that in many cases, there are insufficient funds.  That part of the speech didn’t get the headlines, but it should serve as a reminder of doing what is right.

Education is one of the molders of our culture.  What can we offer as educators that makes good on a promissory note mindset that our students want to cash in on?  I believe it is things like a safe school where they not feel terrorized every day.  I believe this note covers them against being the constant victim of bullying.  I believe that this note covers them that they will be challenged academically.  I believe this note covers them that their teachers willmeet their needs.  I believe this note covers them that the adults around them intentionally build rapport with them.  I believe this note covers them that there is at least one adult that they can go to for advice.  I believe this note covers them that we will build a course of study that will lead them to their lifetime goals.  I believe that this covers them that we will instill in them a lifelong desire to learn.  I believe this covers them that we will set an excellent example for them to follow.  This promissory note that we must fund goes on perpetually.  They are making an investment in us.  When it comes time to cash in, will we have provided the amount needed or will it indicate insufficient funds?  That is up to us.

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