We owe the protection of our freedoms to the sacrifices made by the military veterans of our great country.
Tomorrow, we will honor the military veterans of our school family.
During all lunch periods, we will have brothers, sisters, Moms, Dads,
Uncles, Aunts, cousins, Grandpas, Grandmas, and friends who will be
honored by our students and staff.
61 Veterans will be with us! Make no mistake – tomorrow there will be heroes among us.
Please make an effort to stop by the cafeteria to take part
in honoring these fine patriots. Throughout the country, veterans will
be honored in various programs….tomorrow. They will be center stage
and given a well-deserved thank you….tomorrow. That’s November 11th.
What about November 12th?
Even though we’ll move on to Saturday, it will still be “Veterans Day”
for these folks and will be for the rest of their lives. I never
really understood these things as a kid and as a young man, but being so
to a veteran of six tours of duty, my learning curve is rising.
may your assumption, as it was mine, that troops returning from active
duty want to be treated with pity. Ask a veteran and they’ll tell you
that is simply not the case.
Our veterans want to be treated with respect.
That is why we hold an annual program for our school family members – to
show them respect and to tell them thank you. It is not a photo op or a
chance to be in the newspaper or to make ourselves feel better
or to garner support. Veterans just want to be treated with respect. The respect that they deserve.
Too many have endured unspeakable things so that we can sleep at night
in relative safety. We really have no clue what happened in their lives
defending us. Make it a point to stop a veteran when you see them.
Shake their hand and tell them thank you for their service. The
problems that veterans deal with in health care, pharmaceutical
insurance acceptance, suicide, homelessness and unemployment
are well-documented. Look it up – it’s appalling. One of the biggest failures in our country is the treatment that our veterans receive. While we may not be able to change the larger things quickly, we can most certainly show our veterans respect
by acknowledging their service. We owe these people so much.
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