Some people
keep bucket lists. On these lists are things that would like to do before
they meet the One who gave them life. You’ll read things on these lists
like visit every state, solo in a plane, play in a rock band, see the
Browns win the Super Bowl (on my list), surf a big wave, the list goes on and
on to match individual tastes. The lists often include elements of
danger. Take, for example, hang gliding. Here are the
instructions for hang gliding: run as fast as you can toward the cliff
and when you reach the edge, keep on going. This isn’t a daredevil
moment. This isn’t a “look how cool I am” moment. This isn’t an
“impress the chicks” moment (okay, maybe it is). Hang gliding is a
trust moment. Trust being defined as knowing that you are as prepared
as you can get. You understand that there are laws of physics to aid
you. You understand that you have the right equipment for those laws of
physics to work in your favor. You also understand that gravity is a real
thing and terminal velocity isn’t real pretty when those things fail. At
that moment, you have to be invested at the highest level. Then…well, you
just jump.
You have been
preparing kids for several months for ISTEP. You have been in a daily
sprint to the edge with the mindset of that when you reach the edge, well, you
just keep on going. In a way, you are sending those kids off that edge as
well. Once that test starts, they will have to fly solo and that could be
a scary thought. That’s what makes this a trust moment. You have
been making them work toward this moment. You have given them the right
equipment. You have given them the understanding of what it is you have
been wanting them to get smarter about. You have been making sure that
they understand the expectations. This isn’t a daredevil moment.
This isn’t a danger moment. This is a trust moment. This is
a “being prepared as much as you can get moment.” This is a time that while
they are running full steam toward that edge and you know that when they get
there they will have to keep going. There isn’t a time out. There
isn’t a do-over. Those two thoughts may cause you anxiety. Don’t
let that happen! Be anxious for nothing! If you
invested properly, the results will be there (just like passbook savings
used to be). Trust in yourself that your kids are ready.
Let them know that they are ready. Tell yourself that you are
ready. Trust that they are ready to knock this thing out of the
park. As a school, we trusting that we are ready. The kids
have the right equipment. The kids have received the right
instruction. We have built this thing up. Tell them that when
they get to the edge to keep on running. We can do this!
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